I'm a big fan of happy hour on Fridays, and, in San Francisco, I'd almost always spend them at a bar called Greens. We would usually just sit around, enjoy a few Bud Lights, and catch up on our respective weeks, but sometimes we'd play bar games. Golden Tee was a popular choice, but there were two dice games that I also really enjoyed:
- Liar's Dice - The rules are best explained here, but what's noteworthy about this game is that we (and by "we" I mean mostly Randall and McGill) built a model that determines the likelihood a player is lying given a particular situation.
- 1-4-24 - I don't see any good website for this game, so I'll explain the rules. Only one player rolls at a time. He rolls 6 dice, and keeps at least one. The ones he doesn't keep, he rerolls. By the time he's done rolling he must have kept a 1 and a 4, or he's disqualified. If he has a 1 and 4, the other dice are totaled, for a max of 24. The player with the highest 4 dice total wins the pot (usually we'd all put in a buck before each game). If two players tie for the highest total, the pot stays in the middle and a new game is played, with a new pot. The next outright winner takes both that game's pot and the previous.
The great thing about both of these games is that they require just enough skill that you must keep your head in the game, but not so much that they're difficult or intimidating to beginners.
Light and easy to grasp games give you a relax feeling.
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The X Games gained media exposure due to their big name sponsors, top-tier athletes and consistent fan attendance. As the Journal of Sport Management (2006) explains, Generation X and Generation Y are the two most highly valued by marketers. This creates a broad approach on marketing towards that certain demographic, which is why the X Games marketing and economic outlook is so “out of the box.” According to EXPN (2008); The Winter X Games inaugural year, 1997, was televised to 198 countries and 38,000 spectators attended the four day event. In 1998, the attendance dropped to 25,000 spectators. But just two years later, a record attendance of 83,500 people attended the Winter X Games' East Coast debut. The X Games and Winter X Games continue to grow with the popularity of action sports and the athletes who compete in them.
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Posted by: Samuel | July 21, 2010 at 03:51 PM
1-4-24 is also known as forty one. I found this out while trying to 1-4-24.
Posted by: Larry | November 19, 2010 at 05:08 PM
1-4-24 (aka Forty-One, Midnight) is now on the iPhone/iPod as a game in the Apple App Store!
Check it out: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/midnight-1424/id438054437?mt=8
Posted by: Elliott Starno | June 24, 2011 at 07:31 PM