September 03, 2007

Notes from the 1st few days of my 2nd year @ HBS It's the "shopping period" @ HBS, where we test out different classes & choose our favorite 5. I've noticed that I can tell within 2 minutes of sitting in a class whether or not the professor is a gifted teacher. I'll be making my choices without regard for subject matter, focusing only on teacher talent. This is why I'll probably be taking a tax class, & skipping class called "Strategy & Technology", which SOUNDS like it'd be perfect for me. We have wifi during class this year. This means I can write short posts or use Twitter in class. However, the friends I made last year only male up 10% of my fellow students this year. This means I'll probably take few pictures, as I hate shooting strangers. I'm gonna be really busy with reading and classes in the 1st half of every week, & should have more time for life maintenance & running my business Wednesday-Saturday. I guess if my apartment is clean & my blog is active, my business isn't doing well, so hopefully you won't see as much of me :-) On a separate note: I get great feedback from my cat each morning. If he enjoyed our previous evening, he leaves Lisa & I a gift outside the bedroom. If we are too busy to play with him, he tends to give us nothing. The gift is usually a rolled up pair of socks. He treats these like mice, so it seems very generous when he gives us one. Well, 2 days ago we spent about 20 minutes right before bed hunting bugs (his absolute greatest passion). He spots the bug & then I lift him up so he can reach it (they're usually too high up for him to reach on his own). Well, we had 2 big take downs, & then I hit the hay. I wake up & he's brought me both socks and a thing of rice cakes from the kitchen! I think it must have been the heaviest food he could drag to our doorstep. What a toughtful cat. One final note: I'm currently a 37" waist. I was a 32/33 when I graduated college, & I'm about 10 heavier now. Hard to believe, I know. Anyway, I recently guaranteed Lisa that I'd be a 34" waist by our wedding day, 9/20/08, so I'm gonna have to make some lifestyle changes....


I'm a Sox fan first and a Harvard Business School student second.

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